Jade Sarson Drinks and Draws with Gosh Comics and Broken Frontier


Jade Sarson is a guest of Gosh Comics and Broken Frontier at their popular collaborative Drink and Draw event in London on August 23rd. Co-hosts for the night are Broken Frontier Editor-in-Chief Andy Oliver and Gosh’s Nora Goldberg. The evening begins at 6.30pm at Gosh on Berwick Street before heading off for sketching and imbibing at 7pm at the Nellie Dean pub in Soho. Jade is author of the newly-published For the Love of God, Marie!, of which an extract won the Myriad First Graphic Novel Competition in 2014. The guest artists each get to choose a theme for their session, and the assembled participants get cracking. So come join in! For more information, check out the Facebook group here.